Archive | May, 2010

Project: Vintage Potential

5 May

For my birthday I got a sewing machine that finally arrived last week. For my first project I wanted to attempt some type of clothing but starting from scratch seemed entirely too daunting. I thought that rehabbing a clothing item might be a good start so I set out looking for an project at my local Goodwill.  I fully expected my search to take a few weeks, but lo and behold this beauty entered into my life:

In my incredibly limited fashion history, I would probably date this to the late 1950’s/ early 1960’s and it seems that it was handmade for someone in particular. When I tried on this dress at the Goodwill, I knew it was tight around the hips but then eased up around the waist and bust. Further the hem totally needed some TLC (falling down, super long). Normally, I would lust for this dress but relunctantly put it back, and I almost did, but then I looked at how the dress was actually constructed and though that I might be able to successfully let out the dress and rehem it so that I could wear it!

I have done some work on it thus far, mostly seam ripping and measuring but I will be sure to keep you updated on it’s progress. I am hoping to get it done before I head back up to Boston for Memorial Day weekend as my bff and I are getting super dressed up for SatC2. I already have an idea of how I want to style it and I think it will be very Carrie (quirky) with a dash of Charlotte (classic) and Samantha (sexy). Wish me luck!