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Hello, Goodbye

24 Jan

Well, with much thought and a decent chunk of time spent, I’ve decided to switch to blogger. I wanted options that WordPress wouldn’t allow without significant knowledge of CSS/HTML. I’m a grad student already filling my brain with stuff some might consider useless, SO I went with the easier option and made the switch.

It’s currently still under some construction (pretty changes to come soon!) but I’ll be posting regularly there, so hop on over and say hello!




Friend Friday: Free to be You and Me

21 Jan

Shirt: Ralph Lauren (thrifted) – Skirt: Talbots (thrifted) – Jacket: Old Navy – Tights: Merona – Shoes: Franco Sarto

It’s another Friend Friday! This week Katy (of Modly Chic) asked us about what it takes to being an authentic person/blogger. Here goes nothing!

1. Most readers and fellow fashion bloggers value authenticity in the blogs they read. How would you describe blog/blogger authenticity?

How I determine whether a blog is authentic or not, is whether or not I’d like to be friends with you in real life. Could I grab a cup of coffee with you? Could I go shopping with you? I think the key question I ask is do you let me enough into your life that I see that you’re a person with high points and low points, good days and bad?

2. When it comes to your blog how to you infuse it with that true/authentic feeling?

I try to share when I have a good day and when I have a no good, very bad day. I have trouble buying into bloggers who make their life seem perfect so I try to keep my blog lighthearted but honest.

3. Have you stopped following a blog in the last three months? What made you lose interest?

Yes. As with some friendships, blog relationships ebb and flow. There have been a few bloggers who I’ve stopped following for awhile but then come back to after a period of time. I think what it comes down to is whether or not what a blogger is writing about rings true for me (style, personal thoughts, attitude) and if it doesn’t any more, then I will distance myself.

4. We can’t communicate effectively on our blogs, something we don’t live in real life… what are some ways you try to live an authentic life?

Um by being myself? Really, it’s about a lot of things, some of which defy definition.  To live an authentic life I think that surrounding myself with people who love and accept me, people who challenge me and also by giving myself a lot of time to read and think about things on my own are all equally important. I also think honoring my diverse interests is essential for me to live my fullest, truest life.

5. Give a shout-out… Which bloggers do you think are truly genuine and why?

I really admire Jen of JenLovesKev and Indiana of AdoredAustin. They are so present and upfront about their thoughts and feelings in such a way that is not off putting or judgmental. Every time I read a post of theirs, I’m struck by how much grace they have (especially when they talk about something controversial).

    Have a great weekend!


20 Jan

Sweater: J. Crew- (thrifted) Skirt: Gap – Tights: Merona – Shoes: Sophie Max (via Marshalls)

Jon calls this sweater my Harry Potter sweater. I love it. I firmly believe that if I were to be put under the sorting hat, it would have totally chosen Gryffindor for me. Oh, did I mention that I am a huge dork? No well, let me continue to surprise you then. My hair also reminds me of Princess Leia’s coiled buns from Star Wars (which to be honest, I actually haven’t sat down an watched). Which basically means I’ve married two of the most famous movie characters of all time. If my outfit is any indiction, I think it’ll be a successful marriage. Congratulations, you’re celebrity couple name is Hareia.

I’ve got the power! (or not)

19 Jan
Jacket: Thrifted – Top: J. Crew – Jeans: Gap – Shoes: R2 (via Marshalls)-
Scarf: H & M – Rings: Gifts

So as I’m writing this, I am sitting in the dark, surrounded my candles and the glow of my laptop. That’s right folks, I currently have no electricity. Now normally, I would hop right in my car and go somewhere that has this magical thing we call power, but alas Jon has the car so I’m basking in the glow of candles and feasting on PB & J sandwiches until my apartment complex gets their act together. Which, quite frankly, gives me no confidence that this will be resolved tonight. But heyyy, I’ve got MS word and a blogging dream so I’m good.

To be honest this outfit really doesn’t warrant posting but I started blogging to chronicle what I wear everyday. Which means that sometimes when I’ve got a case of the Mondays on a Tuesday and it’s going to still show up here (bad photography and all, yay)!

Now let’s just hope I quite literally won’t be getting dressed in the dark tomorrow morning.

PS. It’s pretty clear I was uninspired on the modeling front when this is my outtake of the day:

Do you post outfits that are not your favorite?

A House Divided.

17 Jan

Leather Jacket: Newport News (thrifted) – Sweater: Banana Republic – Skirt: Yves Saint Laurent (thrifted)

Tights (x2): Hue – Shoes: Sophie Max – Necklace: Gift – Brooch: Vintage

I hope everyone is still enjoying their 3-day weekend! This Monday will be a little manic for Jon and I as we are going car shopping. This is something that desperately needs to be done as my Little Lady named Barbara is on her last leg. It’s okay though because she’s 21 years young and needs a young whippersnappers to take her place on the road.

Currently I am watching the Patriots vs. Jets, and let me just tell you we are a house divided. Jon is a Jets fan (blasphemy) and I am an ardent Tom Brady fan (I mean, Patriots). After this incredibly stressful game (Tommy, get it together), we will be watching the Golden Globes where I get to swoon over sparkles and pretty dresses. I’m excited. Jon’s excited. It’s an epic win of a blitzed Sunday afternoon.

How’s everyone’s Monday shaping up?!

Friend Friday: Closet Wars

14 Jan

Top: Gap (thrifted) – Jacket: H & M – Skirt: Gap – Tights (x2): Hue –
Shoes: Sophie Max (Marshalls) – Necklace: Jess LC

Welcome to Friend Friday! Katy over at Modly Chic sends out a series of questions for bloggers to answer every Friday. This friday is a very special Friday y’all. Because it’s my very first! Without further adieu, here’s what I’ve got to say about getting dressed in the morning:

1. How do you determine what you will wear that day?

I lay in bed. I think to myself, what am I going to wear today. I take a snooze while thinking of what’s in my closet. I eventually make it to my closet and hope that inspiration strikes. More often then not, it’s a process that involves many items on the floor.

2. Do you plan outfits out in advance for a whole week, month,

Ha. Not usually. There are certain occasions certainly where I know exactly what I’m going to wear but more often than not it’s a spur of the moment, gut reaction kind of thing.

3. Do you have any specific way of tracking outfits and items already worn so you don’t repeat?

I’m going to let you in on a secret. I have a really good memory. If I pick up a piece of clothing, I can tell you what I’ve worn it with in the past and whether what I have on is a new mixture of pieces. I really try not to wear the same outfit twice, so knowing what I’ve worn things with kinda goes with the territory. Also, having a blog helps. Now I have evidence!

4. How do you discover new combinations of items in your closet?
(Trial try-ons?  Hanging items together?)

Magazines and blogs certainly serve as inspiration, especially when it comes to pairing unusual items together, but usually I think of outfits when I’m truly bored with what other thing I’m doing. Like going to seminar.

5. To streamline the process for 2011 what is one new thing you can do to cut down your dressing time?

I have instituted a time limit (also with outfit pics). There are some days where nothing feels right and those mornings usually devolve into me being very late to work and getting seriously frustrated. By giving myself a time limit, I can’t lament what could have been and just learn to deal. Plus, it works well with my whole New Years resolution of get to work before 10am (ok, 10:30) thing. Yay!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Fall into the Gap

13 Jan

Sweater: Gap – Shirt: Ralph Lauren (thrifted) – Jeggings: Old Navy – Shoes: Gap

I remember when I got this sweater for Christmas, my freshman year in college, I felt like the coolest girl in the world. I was deep into my Gap phase and wanted this sweater badly so when it was under the Christmas tree (somewhat unexpectedly), I was thrilled. Years later, I’m still in love this sweater and I still love the Gap (although I have branched out somewhat).

It’s funny how I used to think the Gap was the penultimate of fashion. In my awkward years (and there were many), I always wished for my whole wardrobe to be brand new Gap items. As if this new magical wardrobe would make me cool or something. Obviously, I’m now a (somewhat) well-adjusted adult who realizes that cool is within, that style is about defining who you are not what a brand is and blah blah blah, but you know what? Sometimes, it’s really awesome to be the girl who has the coolest thing in the room. Even for just a few minutes. 🙂

Tell me about your awkward style years (come on, we’ve all had them!). If you’re generous, I’ll try to dig out some of my fashion don’t gems. 🙂

Currently Watching: Castle “Poof! You’re Dead!”

The Day After Tomorrow

12 Jan

Jacket: Gap – Shirt: Forever21 – Corduroy Pants: H & M – Shoes: Sophie Max

I took my outfit pictures in 4 minutes whilst my bagel was toasting. There were 12 shots to choose from. On top of this, I’m wearing my work ID badge. We’ll call it my necklace for the day. See I accessorized!

Yeah, I so didn’t disappoint with the I’m freezing cop-out outfit. To top it off, I really ended up wearing my coat and scarf over this outfit for 90% of my day (at least it was a cute coat). Even with all those layers, I can honestly say I’ve been freezing for 10 hours. For realz, Texas has made me soft.

I’ll get my act together tomorrow. I promise. Probably.

Currently watching: “What Not to Wear”


11 Jan
Jacket: Anthropologie – Top: Old Navy – Jeans: Gap – Belt: Gap –
Shoes: R2 (Marshalls) – Necklace: Jess LC

First off, I want to thank everyone for their lovely birthday messages. Y’all are so sweet! I had a lovely birthday weekend – lots of shopping (my favorite!), lots of sugar (cupcakes), and movies (Black Swan, FTW). It was all pretty awesome.

It has finally gotten really cold in Houston. Too cold. Especially when your work building is really drafty. So in an attempt to bundle up, I wore this jacket again. I was still freezing, but at least I felt pretty fabulous in it. Tomorrow, expect to see a rather bland (but oh so warm) outfit–I find that when things get cold, I tend to reach for the warmest thing in my closet, no matter what it looks like.

I really can’t complain though, it’s still 41 degrees out and it will likely only last a week or two. I know it’s a hard life. 🙂

How was your weekend?

Currently Watching: “American Pickers” (This show is like totally awesome)

Happy Birthday!

7 Jan
Sweater: H&M – T-Shirt: Target – Skirt: Gap – Tights: Hue –
Shoes: Bongo – Necklace: Langford Market

Today is my 26th birthday. That’s right, I’m officially over half-way through my twenties and you know, obviously now an old lady. It’s depressing really 🙂

I actually don’t have much planned as celebration as of right now. It turns out that there is like next to nothing going on in this city this weekend (post-holiday blues) and it’s going to rain so we’ve had to re-tool some plans. Whatever they are though, they will most certainly involve cupcakes, yummy food/drink and boyfriend time. Which is really all a girl could ever want for, so I’m more than a little excited.

Plus Jon has revealed that for my birthday, I get to pick out a new pair of boots to replace my broken ones as a his gift to me. He’s pretty amazing, that one!